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Technology at BA!

Brookhaven Academy is excited to introduce our Academic Technology Department in Fall of August 2022. Casey Edwards will serve as our Information Technology Director on campus part of the day to assist faculty and staff with IT needs. He will also instruct our newest electives offered to our 9-12th graders, Information /Communication Technology and Entrepreneurship.  The goal is for students to have more opportunity to be exposed to how digital technology works!, will be included in the Information/Communication Technology class. 

Our Pre-School through High School has Promethean Boards in each room. In the classroom, Promethean boards serve to increase collaborative learning, student engagement, creativity, and lesson variation. The interactive display allows students to participate through hands-on annotations and learning activities available through teaching software. In addition to active participation at the board itself, screen sharing promotes collaborative learning by allowing multiple devices to connect to and share screens with the board, so students may present work from their own devices. Promethean boards enhance student engagement in the classroom not only through this collaborative, active learning, but also through variation in lesson formatting. Students can access content by engaging with the board itself, through manipulative and interactive visual displays, or through a variety of learning activities. Finally, the user-friendly software and ready-made resources available on the Marketplace allow teachers to personalize lesson content and vary the format of instruction.